Consistency is Key

2 min readJul 27, 2020

Many a youtube video and class lessons later..

What has your experience learning to code been like so far? What would you change about it?

So far, things have gone smoothly. Lessons have been spaced out well and I have gotten all of the information I have needed. I can make a website from scratch on my own and make it pretty. Looking forward to more advanced and intricate ways to make the website flow. I wish I had some feedback from my teacher as far as my progress goes. But, other than that, fine as wine.

How do you describe the DOM, as you know it so far?

DOM (document object model) encompasses all of the parts of the website. It is the entirety of the tree that makes a page work.

Can you explain the difference between coding a website to be responsive and using a mobile-first strategy?

Mobile-first strategy is pretty self-explanatory. You begin with the smaller screens because they are known for being harder, then, scaling up to bigger screen sizes to make it easier to translate the concepts to full-scale pages. A responsive site will still be functional for mobile devices. But mobile-first just means you will start with the smaller and scale-out.

What does coding look like to you in your mind?

Coding is writing a book for a very mathematically intelligent baby to read, AND making it easy for other non-computer babies to read the book too.

Where do you see yourself working in 365 days from today? What do you want to be working on?

Hopefully, I will have had a job for a little while. To be honest, I am uncertain of what field of tech it will be in, but, if I have a job, I will be happy. I would like to be working on something I am proud of.

Austin Coding Academy

